Saturday, December 26, 2015

A Scientist's Love

It was a cold Kathmandu evening, with soft icy breeze brushing up outside his north facing window, with the canvas of early morning dew on his window glass.  He looked at this mobile phone
6:37 am Monday
He was almost late for work, but was reluctant to get out of his bed, let alone his room.  After wasting few minutes check his Facebook, he got up his bed. His room was more mess than his life was, the laptop cord lying on the floor along with his phone charges and few pairs of sandals which he never wore. The first thing he did in the morning was to drink a glass of water, and only then he’d take tea. The tea was followed by his bathroom time, or thinking time!
As an inspiring Chemist, he worked at a Scientific Research Center was a completely reserved guy with limited number of friends, or no friends so as to say. He rarely went out with anyone, the only thing he loved was his work, he did have a Scientific mind from the very beginning. He was very good with Chemical Manipulation, as people said, he had a creative touch to his brain and use to create various chemicals to solve different problem. At age 27 he had already won numerous Scientific awards at local and international level. Science was his life, as much as life is Science. There was nothing interesting in his life, the same day time routine followed every day of his life. He spent his day time, usually around lunch time in one of the local café. One of the unfortunate days, as it will turn out to be, out of all the weirdest thing happened to him. He was in the café, coffee shop to be precise, working on his laptop, a beautiful girl came in front of him,
“Excuse me, do you mind If I sit here?”
He took a time to reply, as he was lost in her beauty, she was very beautiful, tall and elegant, dressed well, with a scarf around her head and goggles shading her eyes, which were striking as well,
“Sure” he said in a soft tone, nodding his head.
She sat there quietly, drinking her coffee and staring at her phone, smiling occasionally, her smile was as beautiful as the first light of sun shining up against a snow covered mountains! He couldn’t help but stare at her all the time. She had realized that as well as he was doing nothing but staring at her, unless she looked at him, and when she did, he seemed turn is head around of look at his laptop for a change. It was her who broke the silence…
“Hi, I’m Sneha”
He never talked with anyone, let alone a beautiful girl, but he did reply
“I’m Aman”
“Do you come here frequently?” she aksed
“Yes I do, almost every day, my work place is quite near. I haven’t seen you here before, is this your first time?”
She nodded, drank a sip  of her cup of coffee and said “ Yes, I just returned back from the States recently, I live nearby, when I was here in Nepal, this place was not here, just saw it and walked in, I kind of like this place already”
He said nothing but “Yeah it’s a good place” and got back to his work.
She broke the silence again  and said, “Okay I’ve got to go now, I’ll see you around, have a nice day!
He just smiled and got back to his work.

Months passed and she was almost as regular as he was, they used to talk a lot, they were quite good friend. He was intrigued by her beauty and she was by his brains. Slowly they started having feelings for each other, but again it was her who had to break the silence, she knew that for the guy he was he’d not be able to break the ice and tell her that he loves her, so one day she broke the silence, and expressed her feelings to him. He reciprocated! It was his first time in love and he developed passion in everything he liked, and he loved her passionately, he was crazy about her, woke up texting her, slept with a good night message, called her every hour or so, she replied most of the times, He was getting addicted to her way to much. The first love is the deepest, and it surely is, he was so addicted to her that he’d probably not be able to live without her, there was nothing he loved more than her. He used to do crazy things for her, to show is love but it was never countered from her side, she just took it as it went. After being together for almost 2 years, she started to ignore him, never replied texts, never called back, and he was even more addicted to her than before. And on of the unfortunate days, she again broke the “Silence”.
“Aman, I’m sorry! I don’t want to be in a relationship” she said
He was devastated, he didn’t even know what hit him, he asked her the reason, she said it was nothing!
“There’s no reason, I just don’t want to be in a relationship that’s it!”
She stopped talking to him, but he couldn’t stop thinking about her at all. For a guy who never developed feelings for anything but Science he never had to cry but now, he cried all night thinking about her, he wanted to call her, listen to her voice, tell her how much he loved her, but he couldn’t because it didn’t matter to her. Nothing did. He couldn’t let go of her, forget her. After months of disappointment and depression, he decided to create a chemical which will help him forget everything about her. He worked for 2 months in his lab and created a chemical, he tested in on a mouse, to erase a certain portion of small memory from his brain, he was successful in erasing the memory from the trained mice’s brain. Finally he was happy, he knew it will help him forget her. He made new batch and applied it on himself. He slept, and when he woke up, everything else was erased but her, the only thing he had in his brain was her, what he thought was in a small part of his brain was in every single part of his brain, there was nothing but her in his brain! And everything else contained themselves in small part and got erased. And now he was left with nothing but her memories in his head, couldn’t revert back to normal because his Science was gone! The only Science he knew was “Her”

Monday, August 10, 2015

Mission Impossible Rouge Nation : My review

So then Tom Cruise never gets old, and he is back again with the impossible mission at his hands! From the first installment of 1996; Mission impossible I to Mission impossible 5th, the rouge nation he has only gotten younger; energy wise. And that’s expressed in the first few minutes of the movie when he jumps up on a running plane and then hangs on the door of the plane, which just took off with full speed, if it was other movies, people would be like, What the actual fuck! But its “Tom Cruise”, and he just makes it so easy and doable. Not only that, if you think that was unrealistic for you, few seconds later he is forced into the moving plane with the rear door open, and bangs his head on the metal, and just dusts himself and rises up, just like that!
The movie reflects an American version of “James Bond” franchise, (only that he doesn’t go introuducing himself as, Hunt, Ethan Hunt)  but with high tech gadgets and top notch action, might be a bit unrealistic for most of the audience, but it’s realistic enough, Because “Tom Cruise”. The overall story is pretty good compared to the previous editions, while Ethan Hunt is busy chasing an anti IMF group called the Syndicate led by and ex-MI6 agent, CIA director is on back of the IMF, and successfully dissolves the IMF. With his new mission being, brining Ethan Hunt back to the states, but Cruise is one hard guy to find.  Though technically he is a fugitive on the run, and on the eyes of the ever seeing CIA, that very CIA that can supposedly to the unthinkable and have eyes everywhere, and can track faces of moving people, but not Ethan, Because “Ethan Hunt”.  Plus, the fugitive, who is a subject of primary concern of the CIA, apparently can travel all over the world, without any disguise and not being in the radar of CIA, who apparently can track anyone they want but not the Protagonist. The plot is pretty interesting and keeps you going, definitely few humors on the way. Ilsa Faurst, played by Rebecca Ferguson, has crazy role, a triple agent or similar, who goes on from being a heroine to villain and back to heroine and villain and so on for multiple times, finally settling down to become a…..well I leave that for you to find.

The man of steel, Ethan Hunt, delivers his best! Tom Cruise never underperforms, at least in MI series. One moment, he drives a motorbike, probably at speed higher than 80kmph and bangs his knee on the road and just gets away with a facial expression, if that wasn’t enough, few minutes later he falls of the same bike while riding at speed higher than that, and gets up, dusts himself up, with nothing but torn up clothes, and not even a single scar in his face! Because “Tom Cruise”. Apart from these things, the movie is pretty good in  overall aspect, worth your time and money. 

Sunday, March 8, 2015

Vehicle of Evolution: A Microbus Analogy

Imagine a bus. A bus filled with passengers, tones of them! 

I was in jam packed bus this morning, barely had an inch to move, though I was in a seat, and not standing, it was still very hard to move. Few hours ago I was talking to a professor about what I want to do for my PhD research. I was thinking about something related to Evolution, something about Evolutionary stable state or the questions of Tinbergen. I was trying my best to think of a Topic! But of course I wasn’t able to do that. Then I started playing with ideas in my head and it struck me!

An Ecosystem is like a bus, it has various components, various factors and most of all it species interacting with each other. There's an Ecologically or Evolutionary stable state inside and unstable ones. There's struggle, way too much of it, the struggle is not for survival but for the seat, the seat, hereby, can be analogous to survivor. And the struggle begins before anyone occupies the seats. 

Let’s say we're at RNAC (NAC at present) in rush hour!! You have to fight your way through at least 30 passengers to just get into the micro bus! Forget about getting the seat! It doesn't fit into the evolutionary state in my analogy, I mentioned it just to show that the struggle of the fittest beings way before they're into a system. The race to get into the microbus is like the race of the sperm to reach the eggs! The fastest one gets in and the slower ones are left behind. The struggle doesn’t end there, the beings! The genes now have a platform to stay secure for as long as they are programmed to, well technically it doesn't happen so here, it gets mixed! 

Most of you must be bored by now and started to wonder where the hell am I headed? Well it’s a bit complex and I guess complete wrong, but it’s just my imagination so for those who don't get it, take it as a fiction work, but for those who understand what I'm saying, it’s just Science in arts.

The door is closed, the normal seats are taken and an additional 8 people are inside the bus, more than the proper seats of the of bus. Those people sitting in seat comfortably are in stable state, they feel no pressure from the Nature. Nature in this case is the driving force, or the driver! Who stays comfortably in his chairs and drives the genes, the humans, to their destination, which is natural selection in real world. So the comfortable ones, specially the front seat'ers and the last seat'ers, who get to sit there most comfortably, face no pressure from the external factors driven by the Nature (Mr Driver) not lets go towards the first front row, the first seat'ers, the one on the right side faces a little trouble but the one right has to go through adaptive radiation to adapt to a situation where he/she has to turn their legs in a different direction just because of peer pressure of factor of the driving force, the conductor in this scenario, he can be genetic drift in my analogy. The left one on the first seat has to modify itself in order to be accepted in the place. If not, he/she is not accepted. These are the animals that are facultative resistant. I know it’s not a word but what I mean is when faced with struggle they can be resistant to the factors affecting them, unlike the vulnerable ones, they can make changes and adapt to the scenarios. The Obligatory resistant but within a comfortable zone are those sitting behind the driver’s seat, they are the alters, because they're facing the wrong direction. They are the alter species with weird characteristics fast adapting and with ability of rapidly changing

Now we're left with Vulnerable ones, who are the people who have to stand crouched up against 7 other people, the most struggling species, the most vulnerable ones in a regard that they must go through all the challenges within the system, they need to grasp on to the state, remain stable or they'll fail, and a new species, a new person here, who comes into the system will be a vulnerable one because he will find very little space and lots of competitors. But gradually with time, the new species will either be adapted and will get a seat or gets extinct i.e. gets off the bus without getting a seat. And the cycle runs when an established species goes and gets replaced by a new species. Some survive and some die off. And the species can be arranged hierarchically the most comfortable ones being on the top of the food chain and the lowers ones on lower side, but I think it requires a new article with some changes! Will think about it later!